Riddle Me Heart

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Done to your heart though it won't part

It's time to return to the start,

And with me up, it seems you're down

For I was bad though never good, not brown

Or dirty, but this time was clean

So me to bread, don't harbour feelings mean.

'Would it be so bad were it to part my heart?'
'If anything were to, you could never again do anything whole-heatedly.'


Riddle Answer A Break


Riddle Explanation
done to your heart though it won't part - to be broken hearted, to break someone's heart.

and with me up, it seems you're down - a breakup.

for I was bad though never good - a bad break.

not brown or dirty, but this time was clean - a clean break.

so me to bread, don't harbour feelings mean - to break bread with someone, to make peace.