Riddle Me Races

If the clock has tuck and you reached the answer in time, click on the title and leave it below.

Along a tunnel this train races;

Stops not at stations, leaps the spaces,

Lost and sometimes found again

Surprised to find me here, as when

You'd never me, ivory orb

In which, though you're not water, you're absorbed.

'I love trains, but they're awfully fast. I wouldn't want to race one.'
'Well there's no point in waiting at a station for this one.'


Riddle Answer A Thought


Riddle Explanation
along a tunnel this train races - a train of thoughts.

lost and sometimes found again - to lose one's train of thought.

surprised to find me here, as when you'd never me - never thought I'd see you here!

ivory orb in which, though you're not water, you're absorbed - to be absorbed in thought.

Views of Somewhere I

I have started creating a few Line sticker sets. Line is a messaging application popular in Asia that originated in Japan. This set is a collection of small scenes, or momentary views into the world I illustrate and write about.

Riddle Me Various

If you have various ideas then touch the title, and leave them in the comments below.

All me of it means various,

And I'm of what's contrarious

You agree but you don't, what's that he makes?

Well blimey all of me it takes

Well your beliefs are wrong quite utterly

Nothing of me.

'All you of it? What if I only want half of you of it and half of you of other?'
'What are you babbling on about?'
'I'm not sure of either.'


Riddle Answer A Sort


Riddle Explanation
all me of it means various - all sorts of, all kinds of something.

and I'm of what's contrarious you agree but you don't - sort of.

what's that he makes? Well blimey all of me it takes - it takes all sorts.

well your beliefs are wrong quite utterly nothing of me - nothing of the sort.

Turtle and Town Beginning

These are some of the first steps in an illustration for the book In Truth Stories, for the story on how the turtle got its shell. For the lovely final piece, well, you'll just have to find it, along with the turtle, in the book.

Riddle Me General

If you've a general idea, click on the title and leave that below also.

In general we communicate what passed

And printing me helped do so fast

To go to me means all will know

And off not cold, but hot will go

Though hold a minute, shocking all bottom to top

So us you stop.

'You communicate in the past?'
'Well naturally I did also, and shall continue to into the future.'
'Oh, that's a relief. Otherwise I'd be quite bored.'


Riddle Answer Press


Riddle Explanation
in general we communicate what passed - the communications media as a whole.

and printing me helped do so fast - a printing press.

to go to me means all will know - to go to press.

and off not cold, but hot will go - hot off the press.

though hold a minute, shocking all bottom to top so us you stop - stop the presses! Hold everything!

Raven Done

The final steps to the Raven study. Based on another artist's original character, a girl who has a jacket with raven designs on it. It felt more suitable the other way around for my writing and style.

Riddle Me Upon

If you've struck upon an idea, then press on the title and let it out below.

Upon your back I have you sit,

And in me is a thorn to wit

You ruin all my plans, so take a walk

Upon what's not domestic, chalk

It down to living on the wrong

Me of what trains will run upon.

'In you is a thorn, how dreadful.'
'You are often a thorn in me.'
'My claws are as sharp as thorns, but they aren't current in you.'


Riddle Answer A Side


Riddle Explanation
upon your back I have you sit - a backside, or buttocks.

and in me is a thorn to wit you ruin all my plans - to be a thorn in one's side.

so take a walk upon what's not domestic - to walk on the wild side.

chalk it down to living on the wrong me of what trains will run upon - the wrong side of the tracks.

Raven in the Making

So inspired by my raven studies and another artist I follow on Instagram (_picolo), these are the beginning sketches of a character design piece. I'll post the final piece next week so stay tuned!

Riddle Me Eyes

If you can see the clues, click on the title and clue us in below.

I am a face without a mouth or eyes

Don't roll but on the flip I tries

To see the up me not the down,

And split your me there goes the frown,

What's not a main, but still professed

Such as my interest.

'I don't think there's anything scarier than a face without a mouth or eyes.'
'What about a face without a nose also?
Or a bowl without milk?'


Riddle Answer A Side


Riddle Explanation
I am a face without a mouth or eyes - in geometry another term for face.

don't roll but on the flip I - on the flip side.

I tries to see the up me not the down - the upside, and the downside, of something.

and split your me there goes the frown - to split someone's sides, to make someone laugh vigorously.

what's not a main, but still professed such as my interest - something that's minor or incidental, such as a side interest.

Hidden Inhabitants

The turtle carefully drifts by but you hardly notice, for all you can see from your coconut tree is a tiny red and white straw, that looks perhaps simply like a reflection of sunlight on the water.

Riddle Me Known

If the answer is known to you, click on the title and let it be known below too.

You're in one that is all your own,

You are an act, no actors, known

As elegant, not city, land,

But you are world me and your band

Is just above an order herds

Of mammals, reptiles and of birds.

'I'm in one all my own? My body!'
'Are you in your body? Or are you your body itself?'
'Without my body am I me? Oh gosh, a troubling thought.'


Riddle Answer A Class


Riddle Explanation
you're in one that is all your own - to be in a class of one's own, or to be completely superior to all others.

you are an act, no actors, known as elegant - to be a class act.

not city, land, but you are world me - to be world-class.

your band is just above an order herds of mammals, reptiles and of birds - in biology, a taxonomic category above an order, including mammalia, reptilia, and aves (birds).

Bare Brownies

The final animal study I'll post for now. The bear brownies are the outdoors type, but hardly very good at it. They prefer to play by themselves and have taken a liking to yoyoing.

Riddle Me Death

If you're dying to leave a comment, do so first, by clicking on the title.

I'm not of death but I'm of life,

In point of me you make it rife

In clarity, and after I

Came later, at my end you spy

A part of plays, but stranger this affliction

Than is fiction.

'In point of you? Do you have many points I'm in?'
'In which you are.'
'Oh dear me. That sounds worrying.'


Riddle Answer A Fact


Riddle Explanation
I'm not of death but I'm of life - a fact of life.

in point of me you make it rife in clarity - in point of fact.

and after I came later - after the fact.

at my end you spy a part of plays - ends with act.

but stranger this affliction than is fiction - fact is stranger than fiction.

Cockatoo To You

The second study sheet, meet the Cockatoos: greasers that ruled the school streets well before Danny.

Riddle Me Beside

If you'd like to leave a comment beside, click above and write it below.

By me, but not beside, they say

To change one's me for you have strayed

To cry all me towards your money,

Pay your own and if so funny

But your happy, proud, but out you take

What coward's make.

'What do they say?'
'By me, but not beside.'
'They say it by you?'
'Well I didn't make it, they did, but it was by me, yes.'


Riddle Answer A Way 


Riddle Explanation
by me, but not beside, they say to change - by the way.

to change one's me for you have strayed - to change one's ways.

to cry all me towards your money - to cry all the way to the bank, a figure of speech referring to making money through means one feels ashamed about.

pay your own and if so funny but your happy, proud - to pay one's way.

but out you take what coward's make - to take the coward's way out.

The Ravens

I'll be posting just a few study sheets of animals I was experimenting with. This is the first of three; the ravens.

Riddle Me Warm

If your brain is warm or even hot with ideas, then click on the title and leave them below.

The nearest to you keeps you warm,

Acutely pointed kind of form

Of David's but then shared by many till

Within me written futures will

Then back in time find rats there are

Misplaced a space I am as tar.

'The nearest to me keeps me warm? Is it fur?'
'No, but a surprisingly intuitive guess.'
'Stop licking yourself will you?'


Riddle Answer A Star


Riddle Explanation
the nearest to you keeps you warm - a luminous sphere of plasma, the nearest star to earth is our sun.

acutely pointed kind of form - a geometric shape with acute points.

form of David's but then shared by many - the Star of David, an icon of modern Judaism. The earliest usage was in talismans where the symbol was know as the Seal of Solomon.

till within me written futures will - it's written in the stars.

then back in time find rats there are - spelt backwards it makes rats.

misplaced a space I am as tar - as tar, or a star.

Friend of Friends

Friends of friends are friends of mine. Minami's dearest and all lovely people.

Riddle Me Whate’er

Whate'er your comment may be, click on the title and leave it below.

Not in, but at me, do whate'er,

And wish me ill upon them where

Eventually what I come of them see

You permit him say if you me

And if there's love, you're never left behind;

A way I find.

'Do what air?'
'No, whate'er you do.'
'What air do I do?'


Riddle Answer A Will


Riddle Explanation
not in, but at me, do whate'er - to do something at will.

and wish me ill upon them - ill will.

where eventually what I come of them - what will come of something or someone.

see you permit him say if you me - if you will, an overused expression asking for permission to excuse usage due to lack of a better word.

and if there's love, you're never left behind; a way I find - love will find a way.

The Speaker

Doesn't do you justice.