Riddle Me Tough

You're tough? Or maybe thought enough? To comment click the title above.

I'm tough and built, one thing in mind,

To push and elevate behind.

Beware the sands of time, and luck,

And muster all your gumph and pluck,

So get a bird, at least a chick.

I'm not the building, but the stick.

'You're not the building, but the stick?'
'So, you're one of the houses of the three little pigs?'
'Ah well, I said stick, but I only MIGHT be wood. It depends on your need.'


Riddle Answer A Gold Club


Riddle Explanation
beware the sands of time - a sand pit or bunker.

so get a bird, at least a chick - an albatross, or a score three under par; an eagle, a score two under par; or a birdie, a score one stroke under par.

I'm not the building, but the stick - both the building and equipment are a golf club.