Riddle Me Fight

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Don't want me all, but take you might

A part, so now we start a fight,

You're nasty just as I work, barmy

How we take turns moving armies

Sacrificing articles for loans, for I'm of art,

Of chairs and tables not apart.

'Why would you take what you don't want?'
'Why would you ask a question that is fundamental to another question?'


Riddle Answer A Piece


Riddle Explanation

don't want me all, but take you might a part, so now we start a fight - you want a piece of me?

you're nasty just as I work - to be a nasty piece of work.

barmy how we take turns moving armies sacrificing articles for loans - a chess piece. In a game of chess one sacrifices pawns.

for I'm of art - a piece of art.

of chairs and tables not apart - a piece of furniture.