Riddle Me Fault

If you know where the fault lies, click on the title and let us know below.

You give me to them, though their fault,

A second chance and don't assault

The ground, and finally begin

To build it up, not hair nor skin,

Not muscle but I will to bone;

I'm big, so quickly take me when I'm shown.

'Does you don't assault, refer to not adding salt?'
'No, but I do believe you're starting to understand how these work.'
'Is the ground, ground spices?'


Riddle Answer A Break


Riddle Explanation
you give me to them, though their fault, a second chance and don't assault - to give someone a break, a second chance.

assault the ground, and finally begin to build it up - to break ground, to begin, or more literally to start digging the foundation.

I'm big, so quickly take me when I'm shown - a big break, a big opportunity.