Riddle Me Body

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You are the party's life and I

Am with a body, heart, imply

my all, and every living me

Will listen to each note, each key

As gospel with a rhythm midst a

Brother, or her racial sister.

'The swirls look like sea creatures.'
'What swirls?'
'The swirls around your words. They look like a sea monster.'
'You need some professional help my confused friend.'


Riddle Answer A Soul


Riddle Explanation
you are the party's life and I - to be the life and soul of the party.

I am with a body, heart, imply my all - body and soul, or heart and soul.

and every living me - every living soul.

will listen to each note, each key as gospel with a rhythm - a genre of music combining gospel, rhythm and blues, and jazz.

midst a brother, or her racial sister - a soul brother, or soul sister.