Riddle Me Words

If you have words, clickums the title and leaves thems below.

You have me with someone or else with words,

And have it yours, so like the birds

Know which the wind is blowing,

I'm back when memory's knowing

That it's time, though breaks your heart,

For us to part.

'I haves them wordes.'
'Don't talk like that.'
'Shareses thems with you I will.'


Riddle Answer A Way


Riddle Explanation
you have me with someone or else with words - to have a way with someone, or something, such as words.

and have it yours - to have it your way.

so like the birds know which the wind is blowing - to know which way the wind blows.

I'm back when memory's knowing - way back when.

that it's time, though breaks your heart, for us to part - to part ways, or the parting of ways.