Riddle Me Up

If you know what's up or down, click on the title and leave a comment.

You me it up or me it down,

So that in numbers you won't drown,

You me them up and all together

Have them sign my robin, whether

You've got money, fame, status or all above;

The world goes me, with love.

'I like robins.'
'That's wonderful, though this one has no red breast.'
'Oh that's a shame, they are so magnificent in the snow.'


Riddle Answer A Round


Riddle Explanation

you me it up or me it down, so that in numbers you won't drown - to round something up or down.

you me them up and all together - to round people up.

have them sign my robin - a round robin, or a petition that all sign in sequence so that no individual is held responsible, usually to protest something to a higher authority.

whether you've got money, fame, status or all above; the world goes me, with love - love makes the world go round.