Riddle Me Dizzy

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Though not so fast I still might whiz

You buy some sweets, I'm there and dizzy

Dashing 'bout and happy grabbing,

Pointing, poking, jeering, jabbing

I will always be just what I am

Until I'm not me anymore, must reprogramme.

'I've no idea what you might be.'
'Perhaps you're too close to me to see.'
'So I'm you too?'
'Not entirely, but at least your might tends to be.'


Riddle Answer A Kid


Riddle Explanation

though not so fast I still might whiz - a whiz kid.

you buy some sweets, I'm there and dizzy dashing 'bout and happy grabbing - to be like a kid in a candy store.

pointing, poking, jeering, jabbing I will always be just what I am - kids will be kids.

until I'm not me anymore, must reprogramme - you're not a kid anymore.