Next Concepts

While working hard on Sensu proofing, printing processes and logistics, I am beginning to play with the concepts and artwork feel for the deck that will be built over then next year or two - themed around puzzles. I intend to include at least 55 but perhaps closer to 100 puzzles/riddles within the deck. Here are the first three for you to work out.


You Answers

Please do answer these in the comments! I look forward to seeing if you can crack them. And please don’t forget to use spoiler blocks. Type <spoiler> before your text, and </spoiler> at the end.

Your Feedback

  • I’m liking the pallet in part but not entirely yet. Thoughts?

  • The first 54 puzzles will be one on each card, following a similar structure as these. Thoughts?

  • Once you’ve worked these out, and understand what I’m doing, you are welcome to make suggestions. I need 52 in this manner, and of course will be selecting what inspires me, but also what I think can be done effectively.